The Divine Mother: Demeter
Multi-Media Oil Painting
40" x 40"

The Divine Mother is not just a metaphor, but part of that same holy mystery we once called god. The Goddess has lost her lineage and her priestesses to the woes of time, but as the science of enlightenment returns to the foreground of research and intrigue, a new renaissance of the mysteries is rising.
The most famous of the ancient religious Mystery Schools were the Eleusinian, whose rites were celebrated for over 5,000 years in honor of Demeter and her daughter, Persephone. Known as the “Holy Duo,” their story served as symbolic pageantries of death and rebirth, leading the initiate on a soul ascension from the limitations and illusions of material ignorance into the light of their true divine nature.
It is said that one would enter the sacred torch-lit sanctuary of Eleusis as a human and leave as a god. The candidate would drink a magic potion, be led underground through vividly depicted ritualistic dramas, and witness what Plato called the “blessed sight and vision.” Activated through ceremonial self-annihilation, they were said to conquer death, transcend the disillusionment of the ego, and be mystically reborn to experience the ecstatic conscious rapture of one's own divinity.
As we begin to dissolve our cultural estrangement from the divine feminine and entheogenic sources of intelligence we will come closer into harmony with one another, transcending our divisive ideologies, releasing ourselves from the ego-driven mirage of the social matrix, and grow towards our highest potential: To hold a more responsible, emotionally intelligent presence on this planet.