Physics – The Torus & Nassim Haramein
The Role of Consciousness in the Universe
Analogous Ideas of “Harmonic Oscillators” – Toroidal Vortex Flow

Nature appears to rely on one core recurring pattern to evolve life at every scale – the torus.
It is a donut shaped energy vortex that you can see everywhere from atoms to galaxies and beyond.
The torus is nature’s way of creating and sustaining life and it can serve as a template for sustainability. Knowledge of the pattern is already advancing fan and propeller technologies, powering clean, “new energy” devices, informing non-violent self defense, and helping us better understand the nature of the “unified field.”
The torus, or primary pattern, is an energy dynamic that looks like a doughnut – it’s a continuous surface with a hole in it. The energy flows in through one end, circulates around the center and exits out the other side.
You can see it everywhere – in atoms, cells, seeds, flowers, trees, animals, humans, hurricanes, planets, suns, galaxies and even the cosmos as a whole.
Scientist and philosopher, Arthur Young, explained that a torus is the only energy pattern or dynamic that can sustain itself and is made out of the same substance as its surroundings – like a tornado, a smoke ring in the air, or a whirlpool in water.
The torus also applies at the human level. Each person not only is a torus – our bodies are a continuous surface (skin) with a hole through the middle (intestinal tract) – but we are each surrounded by our own toroidal electro-magnetic field.
Each individual’s torus is distinct, but at the same time open and connected to every other in a continuous sea of infinite energy.

It is the same energy field you can feel with a magnet. It is usually invisible, but by scattering iron filings loosely around a magnet you can actually see the toroidal shape of energy
The Torus – Dynamic Flow Process
Whereas the Vector Equilibrium represents the ultimate stillness of energy, the Torus shows us how energy moves in its most balanced dynamic flow process. The important thing to understand about the torus is that it represents a process, not just a particular form.
The Double Torus
Most torus dynamics actually contain two toruses – called “tori” – like the male and female aspects of the whole – one spiraling one direction toward the north pole and its opposite spinning toward the South pole. This is also referred to as the “Coriolis” effect. Examples are the weather on the earth and the plasma flow of the sun.
The double torus is formed by stacking two torus forms together and rotating them in opposite directions. Energy flows either inward or outward at both poles of a system, rather than in one pole and out the other as in a single torus system.
Energy goes in at the north and south poles. Energy comes out at the Equator.

Watch Spirit Into Matter: The Geometry of Life for a beautiful presentation of the double torus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXPpQmgD85E
The Double Torus – Nassim Haramein
The double torus plays an essential role in the physics of Nassim Haramein. These black ‘wholes’ are the tori at the center of each point in space, and at the center of each body of mass. As the mass grows in size, the strength of the torus flow gains in intensity. A larger sized body of mass creates a stronger gravitational flow due to the existence of a larger number of atoms coalesced together to form a body. Hence, a human body has a stronger gravitational flow than a single atom; a planet has a stronger gravitational flow than a human; and a galaxy has a stronger gravitational flow than a planet.
It is the same process, yet on different scales.

Cosmometry is based heavily on the work of Buckminster Fuller and Nassim Haramein.
As Bucky Fuller writes in Synergetics, “It is the writer’s experience that new degrees of comprehension are always and only consequent to ever-renewed review of the spontaneously rearranged inventory of significant factors. This awareness of the processes leading to new degrees of comprehension spontaneously motivates the writer to describe over and over again what-to the careless listener or reader-might seem to be tiresome repetition, but to the successful explorer is known to be essential mustering of operational strategies from which alone new thrusts of comprehension can be successfully accomplished.”
What we have described by Haramein is the Vacuum (Aether) being composed of Field Bubbles (Aether Units). These field bubbles are close-packed spheres that go out in all directions. Each sphere is a central harmonic oscillator at its center.

The oscillation created is a result of the flow of Aether. It is not a thing. The flow forms a double torus. That is: one torus is on the bottom, one is on top and they are spinning in opposite directions.
“There is nothing ‘solid’ about structure.”1
Each sphere contains all the Platonic solid geometry, Archimedean geometry and all associated stellations, truncations and compounds in potentiation.
The geometry is fractal, recursive and holographic. This means the geometry is within geometry, within geometry, within geometry, outwards and inwards, infinitely.
It is also important to note that all Platonic solids can be built from close-packed spheres.2

The tetrahedron, star tetrahedron, octahedron, cube, icosahedron and dodecahedron.
Below we see the inward spiraling pressure and outward spiraling pressure. This creates the double torus. This same phenomenon can be seen when looking down the poles of a magnet. The result is a double torus, not a single torus.

The Flower of Life & Aether Units
The Flower of Life is a revered symbol found all over the world. It is a two-dimensional representation of close-packed spheres. This structure can create the platonic solids from spheres packed in a close formation.
This is beautifully illustrated by the transformation of the seed of life into the flower of life into the fruit of life, into Metatron’s Cube.
Metatron’s cube is formed by connecting all the centers of the circles in the fruit of life. These form the Platonic solids.
The torus is a manifestation of the seed of life that is rotated. As is spirals out it forms the Flower of Life. A rotating Flower of Life forms the two-dimensional torus shape seen below.

The Platonic Solids
The Platonic solids are the most harmonic shapes in the universe. They have more symmetry than any other shapes. They fit perfectly inside of a sphere with all points touching. Every side is the same length. All angles are the same angles. Every side is the same polygon.
Furthermore, all Platonic solids nest within each other.
There are five Platonic solids:
Tetrahedron – fire/4 sides
Octahedron – air/8 sides
Cube – earth/6 sides
Icosahedron – water/20 sides
Dodecahedron – Aether/12 sides

You can vibrate pure sound frequencies in water and get these shapes. This is seen in Cymatics and is discussed thoroughly in Cosmic Core.

Cymatics patterns. Credit: Hans Jenny
Platonic solids are the core of how the universe is built from a living fluid-like universe.
Platonic Solid Duals
Duals are two polyhedra whose faces and vertices correspond perfectly.
This illustrates the Principle of Inversion.
As a Platonic solid oscillates it can turn inside out.

To find the dual:
- Define the midpoint of each edge. Connect the points with in 3D space.
- Or join the face centers. Define the midpoint of each face. Connect the center of each face with a line.
The following are duals:
The Cube is with the Octahedron.

The Dodecahedron is with the Icosahedron.

The Tetrahedron is dual with itself.

This forms a Star tetrahedron. Otherwise known as a stellated octahedron, a Merkaba, or a three-dimensional Star of David.

Nested Platonic Solids
Platonic solids are fractal in nature. All the geometries perfectly nest into one another. There are many ways they do this. Some of these are discussed in other articles.

One way they nest is as follows:
The Dodecahedron grows out of the cube.

A rotation of a cube in 5 ways creates the dodecahedron. These 5 cubes are seen in 5 different colors: red, green, blue, black and yellow.
Furthermore, placing the following specific ‘roof’ shape on each of the 6 faces of a cube creates the dodecahedron as seen below.

In another way, the dodecahedron grows out of the cube by cantellating the 12 edges of the cube. Cantellation refers to truncating the edges of a polyhedron, rather than truncating corners. This creates new faces.

Credit: Frank Chester
The Tetrahedron is inside the Cube.

A tetrahedron fits perfectly inside a cube. It’s four vertices line up with 4 of the 8 cube vertices.

Two interlocking tetrahedra fit perfectly inside a cube. The 8 vertices of the two tetrahedra align with the 8 vertices of the cube. In other words, a star tetrahedron fits perfectly inside a cube.

The star tetrahedron from its ‘star’ angle and its ‘cubic’ angle.
The Octahedron is inside the tetrahedron.

There is also an octahedron inside of every star tetrahedron. A star tetrahedron is technically called a “stellated octahedron”. If you put 8 tetrahedron on the 8 faces of the octahedron you get the star tetrahedron as seen here.

The Icosahedron is inside the octahedron.

When an icosahedron fits into an octahedron, the 8 faces of the octahedron are cut into the golden section by 8 of the triangular icosahedral faces. This can be seen with the purple triangle (representing an icosahedron face) cutting the larger black triangle (representing an octahedron face) at the golden ratio.
The Dodecahedron is inside the icosahedron, and vice versa, because they are duals.

This forms the sequence of: Dodecahedron – Cube – Tetrahedron – Octahedron – Icosahedron – Dodecahedron – and so on and so on…infinitely.

And keep in mind, this is one of the many ways in which this can be done.
Platonic Solids as Spheres
Each Platonic Solid can be illustrated as close-packed spheres:
The tetrahedron is composed of 4 spheres.

The octahedron is composed of 6 spheres.

The cube is composed of 14 spheres.

The dodecahedron is composed of 32 spheres.

The icosahedron is also composed of 32 spheres.

The cuboctahedron, or vector equilibrium, is another very important shape. It is an Archimedean solid and the compound of a cube and an octahedron. That is, when the two shapes transform from one into the other, the half-way or equilibrium point between the transformation forms a cuboctahedron.
The cuboctahedron, or vector equilibrium can also be illustrated as close-packed spheres. It is composed of 12 spheres around 1. This is the maximum number of spheres that touch in three dimensions. This 12-around-1 system is very important in geometry and spiritual teachings. It is discussed many times in Cosmic Core.

All this is beautifully illustrated in Keith Critchlow’s excellent book Order in Space. It is also illustrated on the website D’Source at: http://www.dsource.in/course/geometry-design/concepts-3-dimensional
The Platonic solid relate to spheres in yet another way. Each Platonic solid face can fractalize out in infinite iterations until they create perfect spheres. For example, a tetrahedron can fractalize into a star tetrahedron, and then into an isotropic vector matrix (IVM), and then into a more complex version of the IVM, and so forth, to infinity. As they grow smaller the shape gets smoother and rounder until finally it forms a perfect sphere.

The Fractal-holographic Theory of the Universe as presented by Nassim Haramein vs. The Mainstream Standard Model3
Topic | Fractal-holographic Model | Standard Model |
Space/Field/Aether | Utilizes a super-fluid, superconducting lattice of spherical PSU bubbles in all directions. The Aether is an omnidirectional flower of life lattice. Matter arises from this field through co-spinning units, giving them relativistic mass compared to the surrounding medium. Each PSU [Aether Unit] is a tiny black hole. It is a self-contained gravitational/electromagnetic flow packet. The Aether is full of energy; however the geometry of its structure allows equilibrium – the cuboctahedron (vector equilibrium) – which yields no force vectors in any direction at rest. It is the ground state. | The vacuum of space is empty. All matter was created instantaneously in a single Big Bang moment. Quantum virtual particles can pop into and out of existence here. [Note these quantum virtual particles can now be understood as plank spheres (Aether units or Consciousness units) becoming coherent for a small amount of time.] |
Mass | The spin of space allows mass to arise. Everything harmonically oscillates creating a dual torus of implosion and expansion. It is not a sphere, but a flow of Aether. Matter is Aether spinning and curling. The proton’s source of mass is because there are a higher amount of volume PSUs than surface PSUs and the surface ones are terminations of wormholes to other protons. | Unknown. It is thought an elusive Higgs field brings mass to particles, but the idea has not been nailed down. [Note “this theory had trouble modeling nuclear interactions”. This is because it is flawed and incorrect.] |
Black Holes | Einstein’s field equation solutions were solved with the Schwarzschild solution. This solution showed that everything in space was part of a singularity curve that would eventually coalesce into infinity. Almost every self-sustained system is either a black hole or a virtual black hole. However, these black holes are not the traditional space-time tunnel to a singularity, they are an implosion/explosion flow field towards a single PSU that is not spinning relative to the PSUs around it, a true vacuum. This makes them stable, and from outside the event horizon could be a star (the white hole or radiation outwards), or a proton. | Mainstream has no real explanation for the structure of black holes. They are waiting for quantum gravity. |
Dark Energy & Cosmological Constant | ‘Dark energy’ causes the expansion we see in the Universe. If you simply take a 1055g proton, and blow it up to the size of our Universe, you end up with the exact energy density of the cosmological constant (10-29 g/cm3). This implicates that perhaps our Universe started as a proton in a high density other Universe, and popped out, causing massive expansion due to the pressure difference. | Unknown. We place an X in our equations equivalent to the fluctuations we see previously. It is now starting to be linked to the vacuum fluctuations of space. |
Gravity | Gravitation has been literally linked to the geometry of space. The geometric collapse of the space (the isotropic vector matrix plus jitterbugging) allows this toroidal flow inwards. | Unknown. |
Strong Force/Quantum Gravity | The strong force is simply another facet of gravitation at the quantum scale, due to the black hole proton. | Unknown. This is where most of Quantum Physics and decades of work on unsolved Quantum Chromodynamics arise from: attempting to explain how such energetic particles like protons could stick together. So again – we came up with a force, mediated by made-up ‘gluons’ with the exact force to satisfy this. |
Entanglement | The vacuum of space is a superfluid, superconducting light lattice. This allows instant harmonic communication between all particles – via Schwarzschild Wormholes. Since all protons are connected through Einstein-Rosen bridges, we can literally think of all protons as touching. Entanglement is a shadow of this holographic network. | Unknown – spooky action at a distance. |
Light | Light is an excitation of the Aether medium. Light is not moving through the vacuum, light is vacuum fluctuating. | Although we have the famous equation e=mc2, these terms are almost meaningless. We don’t know why C is C, and both mass and energy are undefined terms. |
Sacred Geometry Phi/Fibonacci Flower of Life | This is called geometrodynamics and is the attempt to describe all physical phenomenon in terms of geometry. The PSUs are packed in a 3D flower of life, which is the holographic interference pattern of the universe. The first fractal iteration of the vacuum geometry lattice is a 64 tetrahedron matrix, in which the flower of life and Metatron’s cube can be extracted.PHI is the ratio at which the different harmonic octaves of space manifest – due to the simple tetrahedron/sphere relationship. | Bunk, silly woo. Pattern recognition. |
Consciousness | This Planck lattice makes up everything, and it is a hyper-instantaneous-information network that is in feedback and feed-forward loop with itself due to the dual torus. It is most likely that consciousness arises from the feedback-feedforward loop from the quantum vacuum<–>physical reality. | A magical property of the brain. |
Life | Since the universe contains a holographic storage medium, the Universe now has a mechanism to preserve novelty/complexification, or what can be called syntropy/negentropy. The current state of the Universe’s information is available in all matter. It is much like biological evolution, but across time and space for all matter. What is more prevalent has more ‘resonance’ in the holographic mass. | A magical statistical impossibility, random, chaotic accident. |
Nassim Haramein, Galactic Creation & Stellar Evolution
In Nassim Haramein’s great documentary, The Black Whole he discusses galactic creation and stellar evolution as a result of geometry and the toroidal flow process.
In Haramein’s model, two Isotropic Vector Matrix (IVM) are surrounded by a toroidal flow field. Each IVM represents a polarity of the Coriolis effect.

The isotropic vector matrix (I): the ground-state or balanced state of the Aether
At the center of every IVM is the vector equilibrium, or cuboctahedron.

Toroidal flow field around a single vector equilibrium.

The double torus structure. Each IVM has a toroidal flow field around it. One rotates clockwise, the other counter-clockwise.
When all the components are producing equilibrium at the center, the result is singularity, and creation emerges from it.
This relationship between the structure of the vacuum (Aether) and the dynamical division of the vacuum (Aether) based on spin, torque and Coriolis effect produces a complete understanding of space and how stars and galaxies are formed.

This theory predicted that galaxies are products of black holes and not the cause. The material reality we see emerging is being produced by the central heart of the galaxy, the black hole.
There is continuous creation at all levels of singularities. Not just one big bang.
Things emerge from the center and move in a spiral path away from it. At the edge they enter into the galactic halo which is the edge of the double torus and they fall back in at the top.

Black holes are found occurring prior to galaxies.
Black holes are actually ‘Black Wholes’. They absorb and radiate information. They are black/white holes.

From the inside of the event horizon the universe appears black. From the outside it appears white, very bright, like stars.

The galactic halo surrounding a galaxy is seen here in blue. The halo is the ‘white hole’. The black hole is the entrance/exit point at the center of the galaxy.
All this relates nicely to ancient concepts. For example: the God or Buddha in the center; the kingdom of heaven residing within (in the center of us); the perfect alignment of the apex of the great pyramid, and so forth.

“Beyond the Vector Equilibrium’s primary zero-phase symmetry, the 64 Tetrahedron Grid, as it is known, represents the first conceptual fractal of structural wholeness in balanced integrity. It is noteworthy that the quantity of 64 is found in numerous systems in the cosmos, including the 64 codons in our DNA, the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching (Chinese Book of Changes), the 64 tantric arts of the Kama Sutra, as well as in the Mayan Calendar’s underlying structure.”

The Isotropic Vector Matrix – The 64 tetrahedral grid structure of the Aether.
We are viewing these ideas from many angles to recognize how each of these brilliant thinkers has important pieces of the puzzle to add to the complete picture of the new paradigm of Aether science. No one person has the full picture. Put together, however, we can come much closer to viewing a comprehensive view of reality that is accurate, unified, and understandable to all.

- Edmondson, Amy, A Fuller Explanation: The Synergetic Geometry of R. Buckminster Fuller, Burkhauser Boston, 1987
- D’source, Geometry in Design, Ravi Mokashi Punekar and Avinash Shinde, http://www.dsource.in/course/geometry-design/concepts-3-dimensional
- https://www.reddit.com/r/holofractal/comments/3r3e4p/the_holofractographic_uft_compared_to_our_current/
- Edmondson, Amy, A Fuller Explanation: The Synergetic Geometry of R. Buckminster Fuller, Burkhauser Boston, 1987
- Fuller, Buckminster, Synergetic: Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking, Macmillan, 1975
- ibid.
- Edmondson, Amy, A Fuller Explanation: The Synergetic Geometry of R. Buckminster Fuller, Burkhauser Boston, 1987
- ibid.
Article 102A: Physics – Aether Units – Part 6 – The Torus & Nassim Haramein